Hello Friend
We will setup the load balancers! We will proceed by setting up an external database! Then we will configure the master nodes and agents! Finally we will install metallb! [so we can actually access the services we deploy on it!!!]
So why this website dedicated to HA k3s setup (self hosted) to it? I find k8s interesting. And I found the internet severely lacking in literature of how to do something that everyone keeps telling me is easy to do. quick search of youtube yields many results of how “fast they can install kubernetes.”
I found it to be “easy” once i knew what i was doing. And i dont care about doing things quickly i want to do them right. So i decided to make this simple website to do just that.
A simple explanation of how to do things for my reference as well as a guide to those who might be struggling!
If i have time ill also write up a quick explanation of how to actually USE k8s! [although there are some good videos online gotta dig….ok really just this one below]
Prerequisite / Side Note:⌗
if you do not have a local dns setup i.e. something like pihole or its equivalent i highly recommend you do that. lbk3s.local.yourdns.com (which i refer to in the next section) points to your loadbalancer for which we intend to install that on to communicate to our minimum of 2 master nodes. I set this up like this so that we can easily point it anywhere we like as I have local dns setup. For more information on ha k3s, loadbalancer setup, and just about anything homelab i give shout out to Mr. TechnoTim. Thanks TechnoTim!!!!
And finally the rancher setup which sits on top of the cluster: